Categories: Scams


Please be aware that scamadviser.com is a scam. A simple look up on whois.com will reveal the registrant is in Great Britain and there are other indications that can be found by searching for the keywords: scamadviser.com complaints or scams.

When you are dealing with someone that is hiding behind a website or email address, chances are they are doing something illegal or scamming you.

All my emails have an email signature with my real full name, address, office phone, cell phone, fax number and website address.

All my websites have complete contact information as above on the Contact Us page and I expect to see the same before I do business with someone.

Before doing business with someone I don’t know I always do a search for the company and person’s name followed by the word scam, ripoff, complaints and review.  I also check sites like ripoffreport.com. That’s how I found scamadviser but further research reviled scamadviser is getting paid to counter act the bad reviews from illegitimate companies.

I also look for the person’s name on Facebook and LinkedIn.  If I don’t find them, they are probably giving me a phony name.

Robert Kushner:

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