Why You Need a Website

When you are looking for a product or service, do you still look in the yellow pages? Studies confirm that customers use the internet first, 80% of the time.

You need a website and it needs to have better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) than your competitor’s, unless you want your competitors to get all your future customers.

Your website is your first impression when your new customers find it, so it needs to be done right, and stay that way.

A website makes it easier for your customers to do business with you. Your customers like the convenience of giving you the information you need from them with online forms that are available 24/7. Remember, your competitors are providing these services on their website.

Your website provides information about your products and services 24/7 in the best possible way. You can have your best salesperson make their best sales pitch 24/7 with pictures and videos!

Many small business owners think that since they have done business for years without a site, they do not need one now. This could not be further from the truth.  If you have been in business long enough, then you know that over time you lose regular customers due to circumstances out of your control, and these customers have to be replaced with new ones to maintain your income. If your competitor has a website and you do not, your new customers will find your competitor instead of you.

We recently built a website for a business owner who did not think he needed one. He was amazed at the increase in orders and ease of payments after the first month the website was online. He also found it was much easier to make sales over the phone.

Having a website is kind of like a cell phone; once you have one, you cannot imagine how you lived without it.